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Nikola Tesla and the Mystery of 369: A Fascinating Story

Nikola Tesla and the Mystery of 369: A Fascinating Story

Nikola Tesla is considered one of the greatest geniuses of this century. He was the father of alternating current, and his inventions include the Tesla coil, turbine, remote control, neon lamps, and hydroelectric power. Tesla held over 300 patents. However, many mysteries are associated with his life, one of which is the mystery of his unlimited wireless electricity, but the most intriguing is his obsession with the numbers 3, 6, and 9.

Tesla and the Mystery of 369

Nikola Tesla believed that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 played a crucial role in the patterns of the universe. He claimed that if you could unravel the mystery of these numbers, you would understand the secrets of the universe. Tesla was so obsessed with these numbers that he would walk around a building three times before entering it, clean his plate with six napkins, and only stay in hotel rooms whose numbers were divisible by 3, 6, or 9.

The Importance of 369 in Mathematics and Nature

Tesla believed that mathematics is present everywhere in the universe, whether it's in the largest galaxies or the smallest stones. Everything is built on certain patterns. Tesla discovered patterns in nature that connect the smallest elements to the largest structures, such as Pi, the Golden Ratio, and the Fibonacci series. All these patterns have significant roles played by the numbers 3, 6, and 9.

Digital Root and 369

If we look at our evolution theory, it starts with one cell, which divides into two, then four, eight, and so on, leading to the formation of multicellular organisms. If you calculate the digital root of this series, you will find 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, and 5, but not 3, 6, and 9. Tesla believed that these numbers represented higher dimensions.

Spiritual Significance of 369

In our Sanatan Dharma (ancient Indian religion), the numbers 3, 6, and 9 hold significant importance. Nine is considered a very sacred and complete number. It represents infinity and zero. If you remove the nine-digit from any number and replace it with zero, the digital root remains unchanged.

Importance of 369 in Tantra and Philosophy

In our Tantra Shastras (ancient Indian scriptures), there are mentions of nine types of gems and nine types of grains. In Agama Shastras (another set of ancient scriptures), nine gems and nine grains are used in the establishment of temples. Additionally, our philosophies consider nine universal elements: Earth, Sky, Water, Air, Fire, Space, Time, Soul, and Mind.

Tesla's Conclusion

Nikola Tesla believed that the mind is a receiver that gets inspiration, knowledge, and strength from a source in the universe. For Tesla, this source was the numbers 3, 6, and 9. At the end of his life, he stayed in room number 3327 at the New Yorker Hotel, which was divisible by three.

Tesla's 369 Theory and Its Scientific Basis

Tesla considered his 369 theory not only from a spiritual and religious perspective but also from a scientific viewpoint. According to him, 3, 6, and 9 represent the energy patterns of the universe. This theory is also connected to modern quantum physics and energy fields.

Patterns Behind 3, 6, and 9

Tesla believed that 3, 6, and 9 are part of the fundamental patterns of the universe. These numbers can be found in everything around us. For example, a triangle is a three-sided figure and one of the basic geometrical shapes. Similarly, a hexagon (six-sided figure) appears repeatedly in natural patterns, such as honeycombs. The significance of nine is also evident as it represents completeness and closure.

Energy and Vibration

Tesla also said that if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, you should think in terms of energy, vibration, and frequency. His 369 theory was based on this principle. He considered 3, 6, and 9 to be symbols of the energy patterns of the universe present in everything around us.

Tesla's Research and Its Impact

Tesla's research brought a new dimension to the fields of science and technology. His inventions shaped the modern world. He spent most of his life researching science and technology, trying to turn his ideas into reality. His inventions have gifted the world with electricity, remote control, wireless communication, and many other technologies.

Tesla's Legacy

Nikola Tesla's contribution to science and technology is unparalleled. His thinking and ideology placed him far ahead of his time. Tesla believed that science and spirituality are interconnected, and understanding both would help us uncover the secrets of the universe.

Nikola Tesla's obsession with the numbers 3, 6, and 9 and their significance in Sanatan Dharma suggests that there is something special about these numbers. Tesla considered them the key to the universe, and these numbers are also significant in our religion. Perhaps the mystery of 3, 6, and 9 is the key that can help us understand the secrets of the universe.

abhaymishra 19 July 2024
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